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  How dangerous is the global warming problem for humans and for the earth?:

Not even human. one of the dangers that are currently hovering over the entire globe is climate change. Climate change is a problem that is the basic source of all environmental problems. Former UN general secretary Ban Ki Moon at Paris conference, focusing on the gravity of the problem, stated that the protection of global climate is not the problem of any country, it is a global problem and it needs to adopt a common strategy. As a result of climate change, the ozone region is expanding and the global temperature is steadily increasing. 


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Global temperature is actually a result of the 18th century industrial revolution. it began in late 18th century from Europe. In the first half of the 19th century it had spread rapidly from eastern Europe to America. The constant use of fossil fuels in the process of industrialization led to the constant increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in. Its direct result as earth's warmth is before us today. scientists say earth's temperature increased to 1.5 degree Celsius in this century than last

Another estimate is that earth 's temperature increase from 1 degree to 3.5 degrees in the year 2080 is likely. Scientists believe that increase in earth' s temperature is not a major phenomenon, but with increase in temperature, the increase in carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere is more harmful. This increase in gases is showing symptoms of climate change today. One estimate that if this is the same situation, the water level of ocean may get increased from 15 cm to 95 cm due to melting of glaciers in the next 100 years. Its consequences can be quite frightening. 


Climate phase was not a problem until about years ago. For the first time in 1861 scientist Tidel revealed the fact that water vapour in the atmosphere absorb carbon dioxide and radiation of long wavelength, making the atmosphere warmer. 

Likewise, in 1896, Swidesh scientist Arhayash proposed the theory that burning of coal causes the emission of carbon dioxide which causes greenhouse effect and increases the earth's temperature

In 1924 American physicist Lotka had estimated on the basis of his study that the quantum of carbon dioxide in the earth 's atmosphere will double the current level in 500 years due to industrial activity.

A British scientist in 1949 revealed that the quantum of carbon dioxide in the middle atmosphere from 1850 to 1940 increased by 10%. Data collected from computers first in 1967 revealed that carbon dioxide was mainly responsible for earth's warmth. 

Let's find out what is global warming?:

Earth 's temperature is normally the same as it is formed by a balance between the radiation and the heat that is reflected from the earth. The sun convert the heat coming from the earth into a 6% atmosphere similarly its 27% by clouds changes by 2% earth's surface. And during the remaining 51% the earth 's surface is found in it. This heat is gradually released from the atmosphere in the form of infrared radiation. This natural and physical action of absorption and reflection within the last few years has now created a condition of imbalance due to increase in heat-absorptive gases. Because of it the earth atmosphere is taking the form of green house gases like Carbon dioxide , Methanos, Chlorofluorocarbon , Nitesoxide cause green house effect in the earth atmosphere. It forms a dense covering around the surface of the earth like thermal resistance to the process of radiation from the surface of the earth. Thereby increasing the temperature of the earth. On the basis of data given by scientists it is known that average temperature of earth increased half degree centigrade during last. According to the present rate of temperature rise, the temperature of the world may rise to a detoxifying state of the year by 2100 Clarity, we may have to face both the problems of temperature rise and ozone layer degradation in the next few decades.


What is ozone depletion? and its effects from:

Ozone is a form of oxygen which has 3 atom in place of two; in the absence of the ozone layer or in the state of being depleted, ultra - violet rays reach the surface of the earth, which is harmful to all organisms from stripes to vegetation. First information was received of the ozone umbrella in 1960 and in 1984 scientists discovered the ozone region of 40 km above the South Pole. The ozone layer is in fact a layer of trai oxygen, also known as ozone gas. it is colourless but in liquefied condition it is coloured dark blue. The stratosphere is next to the Troposphere circle above the earth's surface. The ozone system lies between 15 to 35 km. in the lower part of the stratosphere.



Her upper limit ranges to 55 kilometres. The density of ozone varies from 20 to 25 kilometres, the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun are either converted or absorbed by these traps. Due to this the temperature rise in ozone layer occurs the temperature in the bottom part of ozone layer remains same so this system is call stratosphere. The ozone layer contains the most damaging gas, chlorine, but it is not found to be in a free state, so it does not do much damage. Thus the most damaging gas of the ozone layer is considered chlorofluorocarbons. Additionally, chlorine bromine nitrous oxide causes damage to ozone layer. The methyl chloride gas present in very small quantities is also harmful for this. In the presence of these gases, ozone oxygen is divided into oxygen and neonatal oxygen, which cannot be combined. The process of ozone breakdown or depletion of ozone is called ozone depletion or ozone depletion. The ozone depletion substance of chemicals that damage the ozone layer is called. These substances are used in refrigerator, cooling equipment, health products form manufacturing industries micro polishing work fire system etc. When ozone gas deplete in ozone layer or ozone zone is formed by gases emitted launch vehicle such ozone hole is called aerosol.

Let's know what efforts are being made for this at global level:

In 1885, the United Nations environment programme world meteorological organisation and the international scientific association appealed to agree on global warming. The Vienna conference under the United Nations environment programme started from 1985. As a result of the campaign came the Montreal agreement in 1987 which was signed by 48 countries. The agreement, implemented in January 1, 1989, presently includes 1, 8, nine countries. The protocol had agreed to cut down the production and consumption of chlorofluorocarbons, and completely eliminate the production and consumption of halon gas. 

Due to the concern and awareness of human society towards the environment, the second international conference was held in 1992 in Rio DE Genro. This conference is also known as committee on earth. More than 150 countries participated in this conference there was a consensus on a very important and beneficial principle that peace development and environment security are dependent on each other and it is not possible to see any of them independently. 

This agreement, in itself, is a great achievement. As a result of this conference, a 26 - principle document, known as Rio, was made with the main objective of a restrained and balanced development of the world. While there is no legal binding on these principles, many nations have accepted this principle and given it a prominent place in their programmes of national importance. 

The Quto (Japan)agreement with 141 countries to face global temperature rise has come into force with effect from 16 February 2005. Knowledge-that a conference was held on world climate change from one to 11 December 1997 in Quto. The proclamation issued at the conclusion of this conference, namely, the commitment of 38 developing countries including America, to cut the emission of six gases in the Quto protocol at 5.2% in 1990. He has carbon emission gases this(CO2, N2O, CH4, HFC, PFC, SF6).

India has signed the Quto protocol as well as confirmed it may be noted that despite confirmation, India does not have any type of commitment and should not be made any reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Because he is not in the list of developed countries. Quto protocol confirms India has many advantage. it will invest India in recycled power generation afforestation schem. In addition, the Quto protocol would also provide external assistance for clean technology projects keeping India in a middle view of balanced development. 

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Preventive measures of heat increase. Let's learn:

Nations signing all the terms mentioned in the different protocol may prove to be of great help in preventing the temperature rise strictly, but there are several other preventive measures that can be taken. Governments of different countries should incorporate these measures into the policies of the country so that it can be complied with at the civilian level. Some preventive measures are as follows:

Solar Energy:

Using solar energy is more environmentally beneficial than using fossil fuels. The sun is a renewable energy store. Various countries need to encourage the use of solar energy in their country. As it expands, fossil fuels are used. 

Tree Planting:

Large scale plantation can gain control to a great extent on global heat increase. trees are major consumer of carbon-di-oxcide. According to scientific estimation a forest area of 120 million hectares can absorb 780 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The immediate effect of this is that large amounts of carbon dioxide gas emitted by human activities can be naturally eliminated if the earth's surface were increased by forest areas. 

Expansion of use of bio gas:

In developing countries and in less developed countries, wood dung cakes etc. are often used for the purpose of cooking and other activities. This leads to the emission of carbon dioxide and this has to be encouraged by stopping it.

State of the India: 

India involved in international concern on global heat enhancement signed the Montreal protocol in 1992. The important points of the act were the ozone destroying substances act 1998 enacted by the ministry of environment and forests in the country in 1998.

     Licensing from the ministry of environment is essential for import of production of ozone depletion factor.


A deadline for elimination of ozone depletion factors related to production of substances has been achieved.To hold on to the extent of the global warming, it is necessary to decrease the concentration of harmful gases in the atmosphere first. On the question of diminishing the emission of harmful gases, there has been a conflict between developing countries and it is decided that industrialization has been acrimonious in developed countries. Thus, their responsibility also becomes greater. 

Often at all previous conferences and meetings, developed countries have tried to avoid this responsibility and to blame the developing countries alone. This is indeed deplore. Today all countries need to pay more attention on farm in bus by sacrificing their personal interest and save hot earth if we didn't take concrete measures it would be fatal for the whole earth. 

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Dangerous in the world is the problem of drug : 


Dry out sea , biggest mistake of human kind :


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