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Beginning of neolithic age in west Asia:
Neolithic settlements in the Indian subcontinent:
In world - class context the neolithic age begins from 9000 east. in the Indian subcontinent a settlement of neolithic age found its time around 7000 BC. It is in Mehrgarh situated in Baluchistan province of Pakistan. Mehgarh was located on the bank of the Bolan river in Kochi plain famous as bread basket of Baluchistan. The earliest inhabitants were reared animals and grew grain. But they are damaged due to flood near 5550bc. agriculture and other activities resume with help of tools made of stone and bones both. The neolithic people of this area used to grow wheat and barley from the beginning. They reared cows sheep and goats in the early stage. at the beginning goats were high but finally cows overran both goats and seeps. That must have benefited agriculture. Grains were grown in good quantity and kept in other houses, mostly Anna gar, from raw bricks to make residential structures. There are many structure of raw bricks which contain food made known Anna GHR.
A potter's wheel:
There was a substantial expansion of agriculture from the Kochi plain area to the plains of the Indus in the period 4500 to 3500 BC. Till 5000 BC people did not make pottery but after 4500 BC the potter's chalk got info. The number of pottery increased rapidly and started painting them. The dry valley of Indus tributary Hakra found 47 north neolithic colonies. These paved way to the emergence of the harappan culture.
Neolithic sites north of vindhya:
Some neolithic sites found on the northern questions of the vindhya range are described as old as 5000 BC but generally neolithic settlements found in south India not more than 2500 BC. In some south and eastern parts of India such sites are only around 1000 BC. People of this age used polished stone tools and weapons. he used particularly stone axe.
It is found in large quantities in many parts of the axe hilly areas of the country, and with this cutting tool people used to do many types of work and in mythology Parasurama has become a great warrior fighting with the axe. Based on large scale ax use by neolithic people we see three important areas of their settlements north west north eastern and southern. The neolithic tools of north west group have the rectangular axe of the campylotropous edge. The northeastern group had axes polished stones with a rectangular handle and sometimes shoulder - shaped shoulders. The south group's axles were oval and hatchingly pointed.
Earliest date of neolithic settlements in Kashmir:
The Kashmiri new stone culture has many features in the north west, such as the diversity of crater house, the pottery, using stone and bone tools and complete absence of micro-stone. It 's important place is Burj-home, which means the site of turret tree.
It is 16 km away from Srinagar to north west. pretend Stone Age people lived land under a lake and live on prey and fish. Seems they was familiar with farming. another neolithic site, 41 km southwest from Srinagar, is Gufkarol where people came in agriculture and animal husbandry. The neolithic people in Kashmir used not only stone shiny tools but they also used a lot of bone tools and weapons.
The earliest dates of the neolithic phase of the Chiron:
Chiron in India is the only place where bone tools have been found it is 40 km west from Patna on the northern side of ganga. Here are deer horn tools found and in later neolithic environments 100 cm rainfall area. Settlements here therefore became possible due to gangetic Soan, Gandak and Ghaghara being the confluence sites of these 4 rivers, open land was available. But the decline of stone tools is noticeable in the neolithic culture.
The people of Burj-home used grey pottery. it is interesting that even the pet dogs buried in graves with their masters all. The practice of burying pet dogs in the graves of their masters did not in any part of India neolithic people maybe. The earliest date of the Burj-home bass location is before 2700 b.c. but the date of the bones found in the chirand 2000 cannot be placed much earlier than earlier and is probably the upper palaeolithic.
Latest evidence of neolithic settlements in southern eastern India:
Another group of neolithic people lived south India south of the Godavari river. they usually settle in river Banks top of hills of granite or plateau. Also used stone axe and different type of stone blades. Pucca clay idols (Figrings) reveal that they domesticated many animals. they had cows bulls sheep and goats. They silbatted used to reveal that they knew how to grow grains.
Third area where neolithic tools are found falls in the hills of Assam. Neolithic tools have also been found in the Garo-hills of Meghalaya on the north eastern border of India. Besides, we find a number of neolithic sites in the north of vindhya district of Mirzapur and Allahabad, the neolithic sites of Allahabad district have been told about the production of rice in the fifth century b. c. But its date is also mentioned in 1500 b. c.
The neolithic sites that have been excavated are among the major ones of Muski, Brahmagiri in Karnataka, Hllur, Kodkakal, Piclihil, Sangeankallu, T.Narcipur, Takkelcot and Pympalli in Tamilnadu. Uttanur, Andhra pradesh has an important neolithic site it seems that neolithic system in south India continued from 2000 BC to 1000 BC.
Karnataka's Piclihal's neolithic age resident pastoralists and reared cow bulls goats sheep etc. they lived in seasonal camps. They created cattle enclosure around their camp in which they kept cattle and collected dung.
Then they set fire to all that camp site and clean it to put up camp again in the next season. Dwelling place on heap of ashes is found both in Picalihaal.
The inhabitants of neolithic age belonged to the oldest peasant community. He people were digging the ground with stone tools and digging sticks. The dundo kept stone rings weighing another half kilogram. In addition to stone shifts retouch Jaro also used micro-stone blades. They lived in spherical or rectangular houses made of clay and cerconde. Are reported to have had community ownership over property belonging to spherical houses. Whichever it is, it is certain that the neolithic people living in permanent homes. This used to produce ragi and kulathi.
People of neolithic age settle in Mehrgarh were more high. they grew wheat barley and cotton and lived in houses of raw bricks.
As many of the neolithic people were cultivating grains and domesticated animals, they needed grain - storing POTS, and dishes for cooking and drinking. So Aquarius first appears in this stage. Initially, hand made pottery is found. Later on mud ware became at chaak. these utensils are covered with black pottery, black pottery, pottery and pottery.
Stone Age shelt, axe, vasal, chani etc. tools have also been found in hilly area of Orissa and Chotanagpur. But in some parts of madhya pradesh and many areas of north deccan, neolithic settlements are generally found to have a very rare appearance because they were not stones which could be easily lubricated.
During the period between 9000 BC and 3000 BC there was a huge technical progress in west Asia because it was during this period that people developed skills like farming, weaving, aquacultures, writing animals, etc. But all this development took place in India only after a while, in the Indian subcontinent began around the sixth town century a.c. Important important decisions including wheat, barley, etc. Were grown on this continent during this period, and many villages were settled in this part of the world. Human beings seemed to have scraped at the gates of civilization.
There was an enormous helplessness of Stone Age people. he is perfection depended on stone tools and weapons so he could not move away from the hilly areas to make settlements. They was able to make its residence in the caves above and in the river valleys containing the hills, and despite considerable effort, it could produce only as much food as it could live.
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